Is Masturbation Bad? Understanding Addiction, Root Cause,Hormones, Healthy Habits

Is Masturbation Bad? The Effects of Addiction and Its Root Causes

Introduction Masturbation can be an extreme disorder for those who have it as an addiction. It is a very natural act, and even during sleep, people can experience this through dreams without realizing it. This natural system cleans or recycles in the testicles, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. Compared to other addictions like smoking, drinking, or drugs, masturbation is actually the safest way to achieve pleasure without damaging your body.

Extensive research shows that masturbation becomes problematic when it takes extra time from your normal activities or starts affecting your daily life. For example, if someone masturbates once a day, it’s just like drinking a cup of tea. It’s not problematic if it’s not an alternative for self-care.

Masturbation releases dopamine and other hormones in your system, which is a natural mechanism to encourage procreation. The pleasure experienced during ejaculation is programmed by nature, similar to the pleasure derived from eating. However, people can get addicted to that dopamine rush, which can lead to problems. It’s important to approach masturbation like a social activity, similar to being a social drinker or social golfer.

When masturbation becomes a quick fix for stress or a way to escape, it turns unhealthy. If you masturbate to quickly get a dopamine fix and then feel depressed afterward, it’s a sign of an unhealthy loop. Masturbation itself is not wrong, just like having sex isn’t wrong. It’s about what you connect with it and your reasons. If it’s for escapism, it becomes problematic.

Solution The key is balance. Masturbation should be something light and fun, like laughing or eating. It’s important not to use it to escape real feelings that are too scary to face. Many addictions, whether smoking, drinking, drugs, or overeating, are forms of escapism. They are attempts to fix stress with a dopamine rush.

In relationships, it’s also crucial to be responsible for your own happiness. Pleasuring yourself responsibly is part of that. We are responsible for our own happiness and should share it, rather than becoming victims or addicts dependent on something.

Ultimately, all addictions are about not facing emotional problems and seeking a quick fix. It’s crucial to address the root causes of stress and unhappiness to avoid falling into addictive behaviors. Balance and facing your emotions are the solutions to avoiding the pitfalls of addiction.

Conclusion Masturbation itself is not inherently bad. It’s a natural part of human behavior, but like anything, it should be balanced and not used as a means of escapism. Understanding and addressing the root causes of addiction can help maintain a healthy relationship with it and other aspects of life.

The Root Causes and Hormonal Influence on Masturbation Addiction

There are no inherently good or bad emotions; this is societal programming. It is how we cope with emotions that is important. The Earth has a frequency of 8 Hz, which is lower than the frequency associated with shame. Emotions operate at different frequencies, and at lower frequencies, individuals and animals might seek quick fixes by engaging in unhealthy behaviors to quickly release dopamine and avoid feeling negative emotions.

Understanding the Role of Hormones

  1. Dopamine – The Rewarding Chemical:
    Dopamine is known as the rewarding chemical. It is released during activities that give us pleasure and a sense of achievement. Common activities that trigger dopamine release include completing tasks, doing self-care activities, eating food, and celebrating small wins. However, the dopamine loop can lead to addiction. When the brain anticipates a reward, it releases dopamine, creating a cycle of desire, pleasure, and reinforcement that can lead to habit formation and eventually addiction.
  2. Oxytocin – The Love Hormone:
    Oxytocin is associated with love and bonding. It is released during activities such as playing with a dog, holding hands, and hugging loved ones. While it promotes positive social interactions and emotional well-being, it does not directly relate to the addiction cycle but can provide healthy emotional support to balance dopamine-driven behaviors.
  3. Serotonin – The Mood Stabilizer:
    Serotonin plays a crucial role in mood stabilization. It is enhanced by activities like sun exposure, meditating, running, and being in nature. A stable mood reduces the need for quick dopamine fixes, helping to prevent addictive behaviors.
  4. Endorphin – The Pain Killer:
    Endorphins are released during physical activities like laughing, exercising, and consuming dark chocolate. They act as natural painkillers and stress relievers, offering a healthy way to manage stress without resorting to addictive behaviors.

The Compulsion Loop and Dopamine Addiction

A compulsion loop, also known as a core loop, is a habitual chain of activities repeated to continue an activity. This loop is designed to create a neurochemical reward, primarily through the release of dopamine. In video game design, for example, players engage in a cycle of anticipation, challenge, and reward, which keeps them hooked. The same principle applies to masturbation addiction. The stimulus (e.g., stress or boredom) leads to dopamine release (through masturbation), providing pleasure and reinforcing the habit. Over time, this loop can become an addiction.

Frequency of Emotions and Seeking Quick Fixes

Lower frequency emotions, such as shame, guilt, and apathy, can drive individuals to seek quick dopamine fixes through unhealthy means like excessive masturbation, substance abuse, or overeating. These behaviors provide temporary relief but do not address the underlying emotional issues. Instead, they create a dependency on the quick dopamine rush, perpetuating the unhealthy loop.


Understanding the role of hormones and the compulsion loop can help identify the root causes of masturbation addiction. By addressing emotional imbalances and finding healthier ways to cope with stress and negative emotions, individuals can break the cycle of addiction. Engaging in activities that naturally boost serotonin and endorphins, while maintaining a balanced approach to dopamine-releasing activities, is key to maintaining emotional and physical well-being.

Understanding and Managing Heavy Feelings: A Guide to Emotional Wellness

Heavy feelings—those moments when emotions weigh heavily on our hearts and minds—are an inevitable part of the human experience. In navigating these emotions, it’s essential to develop an awareness of our bodies and emotions.

Imagine your body as a calm, serene swimming pool. As you sit and focus on your body, allow yourself to relax completely, surrendering to the sensation of floating effortlessly. This state of relaxation creates a safe space within yourself, where heavy feelings find solace, like returning to a welcoming home.

Before seeking solutions, it’s crucial to acknowledge and feel these emotions fully. This initial step sets the foundation for emotional clarity and resilience. Take the time to simply be present with your emotions, without judgment or rush.

Some find relief in physical practices, such as yawning. Renowned actor Morgan Freeman humorously suggests that yawning helps relax the vocal muscles, creating a deeper, more resonant voice. While this advice may not apply to everyone, the underlying message holds true: embracing oneself, voice and all, is a powerful act of self-acceptance.

Regardless of gender, embracing your authentic self is key to emotional well-being. Take a moment to close your eyes, releasing any tension or expectation. In this moment of stillness, there is nothing to do except be present and allow yourself to relax.

Understanding and managing heavy feelings is an ongoing journey—one that requires patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to embrace vulnerability. By cultivating a deeper connection with ourselves, we can navigate life’s emotional currents with greater resilience and authenticity.

How to stand up for youself, avoid conlict? Unexpected anwser!

Avoiding everything related to conflict could be seen as avoiding self growth.
That only temporarly prevents the conflicts you meet repeatadly.

There is a reason that those kinds of people/things come your way.
Of course you coukld walk away from everything.

But ‘walking away’ could be a victim role.
How nice would it be if the person you find ‘annoying’ walked away by themself?

Then you have experienced growth yourself.
Here on Earth, almost everything is a reflection of yourself.

You can even observe this with animals and children, where they are hectic towards you at first and then come to lie down quietly with you, because you have changed something in yourself.

So how do you stand up for youself?
Well it starts with yourself.

Learn to relax and give yourself some love wherever you are and with whoever you are with.

Being satisfied with who you are and what you have is feeling fulfilled, not just recognition from others.

People do this ‘prove’ thing to everyone 24/7 and they don’t even know they’re doing it (including to family and friends they don’t have to run away from).

You attract what you do and are, if you learn to relax and give self-love, then you also attract those kinds of people.

Until then, the universe gives you a ‘hard time’ and you are in a ‘repeat’.

It doesn’t just have to do with ‘others’, you need at least 2 people for an argument.

If you don’t give away your power to others, then other can’t rule you.

Work on yourself is important, if everyone else did that, imagein the world we would be in.
How do you cope with conflicts? How do you cope with your axienty?
Leave a comment here below.

About Emotions in the current society

We live in a society where only 1 emotion can exist at a time, otherwise you will be declared crazy. Either you laugh or you are angry or you cry, and preferably you should never be angry or cry, because then you are ‘bad’.
Either you’re a good guy or you’re a bad guy.
Just like with Britney Spears at some point when you only pay attention to 1 emotion and the other is not allowed to be there and it doesn’t look nice, it comes up in annoying ways.
for example, because one person is then only labeled as ‘nice and funny’, then he does not feel seen in other parts.

Now also from personal experience. He was not seen for a long time. her insecure side, seen only as ‘the one who was always nice and quiet’
The fact that the person was put in an incubator immediately after the Caesarean section, and therefore had no direct contact with that person’s mother (because she was also unconscious) ensured that the person never feels at home anywhere or with anyone afterwards.

(Because a mother’s first touch is very important right after birth.)
That remains a life journey for them to deal with it. So that person thinks it is important that people also see sadness in that person, and anger. Last year with great difficulty, that person’s father also saw that in that person, that person demanded that, only then did the person feel seen by him.

Emotions are like a rainbow, all emotions are just as beautiful and should be welcome in society.

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